The Girls

The Girls

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Week One - DONE!

We are completely out of week one and Mom is feeling really good. She started her treatment of Chemo and daily Radiation on Monday. Tuesday she was tired and such but that was the only day this week that she really felt bad. Her only complaint right now is that when she gets tired, she has to sleep right there and then. Just ask Jim, she fell asleep while talking to him on the phone this week. Her appetite and taste buds are still doing really well. GG and I (Sandy) got to see how they do her radiation during one of her visits. They have some really high tech machines. Watching the process was really neat and very comforting that they are doing their best to help her fight this. One of the techs pointed out that Mom has the smallest sinus he has ever seen. This might explain why Mom has always had sinus problems. We also got to see where they opened up her skull for the surgery. You could see where the screws are that reattached the piece of skull. Mom had no idea she had screws in her head.... Now we can REALLY tell her that she has a screw loose.
Katie is on her honeymoon and Mom really enjoys getting her daily calls and text messages from Katie and Patrick. They are having a really good time. Mom is so happy that they got to get away, they have had a rough start with all the different things going on.
The upcoming week will be a busy one for Mom. She has her daily radiation appointments, a hair appointment on Monday, blood work on Tuesday and Physical Therapy on Thursday. We took her to her primary doctor last week. Long story short Mom is having an issue with her strength. She is having a hard time getting up from a sitting position while on the floor and the stairs are very challenging. She starts physical therapy this week to keep her muscle moving and challenged. Hopefully all of this will get better soon. They are thinking it is related to her steriod and her last day on the steriod was today. Well, wish us luck on week two .... hopefully it is as uneventful and happy as week one!

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Hi sounds like they are keeping you busy Bobbi. Glad to hear you are doing ok. I think PT will help although it is one more thing to keep you from sleeping. I still have to call Jim. I guess I don't have to talk for hours.I don't really like talking on the phone, that is why it is easy to call Mom she does all the talking! Keep smiling and fighting, positive attitudes go a long way. Love Sharon