The Girls

The Girls

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Today marks the LAST DAY of Mom's radiation therapy and boy is she happy! She is doing pretty good. She is tired (to be expected), weak and swollen in the face. The weakness and swelling is most likely from the steriods and she is currently weaning down from 4mg to 2mg. We will now sit back and wait for the next MRI to find out what the next phase of treatment will consist of.

Jim started his new job and is enjoying it. They both seem to be getting into a routine, and liking getting their lives back to "normal". Mom went out to dinner with friends on Sunday night and had a really good time. Below is a picture from dinner. I think it is a great picture, Mom can't wait to get rid of the swelling in her cheeks. :)

1 comment:

Sharon said...

what a great pic.Who cares about the swelling from the steroids as long as they are doing their job. Keep up the great attitude Bobbi. Say hi to Jim. Love Sharon